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Week 5


  • Tested the data transfer api in the postman .
  • Tested consent and HIU Api on postman got repsonse in SBX app.
  • ABDM switched recently to new Domain , so I started exploring the new Documentation.
  • Understand the overall new Documentation and API needed for data transfer.
  • Understand and create the bridge URL tunnel using Ngrok and other port-rendering alternatives.

Screenshots / Videos

  • Tested the Data Transfer API .
  • Output of Consent req api for Health Data transfer.

 Health Data with CM

  • Output of Health Info api.

 Health Info



  • Learned and implemented unit testing frameworks like JUnit and Mockito.As both frameworks together can lead to effective testing practices that enhance code quality and catch issues early in the development cycle.
  • Gained the knwoledge about Swagger tools and its use cases which will be used in future Documentation.
  • Started learning about Junit as it will be needed in project in future.
  • Started Learning more about ngrok and port forwarding as it will be needed for future development.
  • Learned about Facade Design pattern